GNP250 GNP800
Make your electrostatic precipitator the most efficient with Sames GNP. Electric power suppliers, cement works, steel works, non-ferrous metal works, glass factories, wood industry, incinerators and many more features.
GNP 800 is particularly dedicated to all ESP’s designed with large streets. You will Improve dust removal performances of your ESP with SAMES’ GNP 800.
Its reduced sizes and weight make it user-friendly, easy to install and to run, maintenance operations required are mostly none and its autonomy is impressive.
The particular feature of GNP 800 is the dualvoltage ability: 80 kV – 1 Amp or 60 kV – 1.3 Amp are the two native switching tunable voltages. The earth connection is made automatically which improves greatly the safety.
With SAMES GNP, make your electrostatic precipitator the most effi cient!